May the 4th, Star Wars Day. I'm certainly not gonna attempt to say something original about a 40-some year old movie that's been the most talked about film in history. But I can't let another May 4th slip away without saying at least a little bit about the movie that entered my life as a pre-schooler and never seems to go away.
I was four years old when Star Wars was released. Read about it in the newspaper (why yes, yes I was a child genius when it came to reading) and convinced my parents I needed to see it. My dad and I went to the Cine 1&2 in International Falls, MN on an early summer evening in 1977. I walked into the theater not really knowing what I was going to see, and walked out a Jedi wannabe for life. It wasn't the first movie I ever saw, but it's the first one I remember seeing. Not only do I remember seeing the film I vividly remember getting home and recounting the whole thing to my mom while acting through the action sequences. Followed by my mom making phone calls to various county agencies looking for psychotherapy resources.
I've seen all the franchise movies multiple times, and even though I don't consider myself a Star Wars geek I'm definitely more than a casual fan. It doesn't shame me to admit my first crush was Princess Leia, nor that I still try to use The Force to reach an object before I actually move to get it. I had the action figures (HAD instead of have, dang it), I was a stormtrooper for Halloween at least once, and no matter how many times I see the opening theme I still get chills up my spine when those first trumpet notes blast as the Star Wars title appears on the screen.
Despite my love of the movies, I can never fully believe how popular they still remain to this day. Go watch the original Star kinda stunk by today's standards. I'll now pause to let the fire and brimstone rain down upon me for uttering such blasphemy............ok, it's passed. We all know how bad the prequels were, and the latest release - The Last Jedi - didn't get a lot of love either (but I really liked it). The storylines haven't ever been terribly complex, the acting has rarely been stellar in any of the films, the dialogue is usually pretty lame.....and yet I count the days until the next film gets released! And we have a holiday for the films! And there's no end in sight for new movies to be made! Incredible.
Favorite movie in the franchise: Rogue One (Action! Humor! Suspense! Heroism! Bravo!!!)
Favorite Star Wars quote: Do or do not. There is no try. (Classic Yoda)
Favorite character: C3PO (brilliant linguist, pessimistic, metallic emotions....sound familiar?)
Favorite moment: "Luke, I am your father." (Noooooooooo!!!!)
Favorite location: Hoth (Winter all the time - yes please!)
Least favorite movie: Phantom Menace (let us count the reasons...)
Least favorite quote: Delusions of grandeur (overused)
Least favorite character: Bail Organa (what a stiff)
Least favorite moment: The birth of Luke and Leia (Should have been a monumental moment, instead was filmed as if a barn cat just had another litter of kittens. Dreadful)
Least favorite location: Coruscant (I'm supposed to like a planet that's entirely covered by city and crawling with politicians? Not likely)
Not much more to say as the minutes tick away towards plain old May the 5th......except May The Force Be With You.
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