“What if I roll three fives in a row and then fall out of my
chair – do I still get to go again?”
“What if I get done reading the page after three other people but before
12 others and I have to go to the bathroom?”
“What if the sun shines tomorrow but the wind doesn’t blow and then it
rains for three minutes…will we still have recess?” “What if” questions from students drive me
bonkers. While I applaud the creativity
used to generate such queries they are very rarely relevant to real life
When I saw the topic for the current #innovatorsmindset blog
…I developed an annoyed mindset. However, much like my primary students, I
instantly lost focus on the annoyance and realized I had been kicking a “What
if” idea around for quite a while: What
if the teaching profession was more like Major League Baseball?
**What if we discard the current model of spending several
years in college learning nothing about real teaching and replace it with
apprenticeship in the “minor leagues”?
Prospective teachers could spend a year in a primary school, another
year in a middle school, and one more in a high school. They will “get the call” to the big leagues (their
first job) with three years of experience and skills honed for their chosen position.
**What if we started the school year in March, preceded by
“spring training” for teachers – two weeks in Florida or Arizona as a staff
preparing for the upcoming year by studying scouting reports (Pinterest and TpT),
attending team meetings (pool-side), and doing drill work on fundamentals
(copier error correction, peripheral vision, and conflict resolution). (side note:
The spring training trip doesn’t appeal to me at all, but I suspect
normal folks might enjoy it).
**What if teachers could become free agents after six years
and “test the market” for a more lucrative contract? Think of the possibilities for students if
schools were competing for the best teachers and those teachers were
distinguishing themselves in several statistical categories: home runs, sacrifice bunts, sacrifice flies, stolen
bases, innings pitched, batting average, and strikeouts.
Home runs –
Each day a teacher gets a student to succeed at something they couldn’t do
yesterday – HOME RUN!! We’d shatter
Barry Bonds’ “records”.
– Give a bit of yourself (time, experience, money, etc.) to help a colleague
and earn a sacrifice bunt on the scorecard.
Do the same to help the school community and earn a sacrifice fly.
bases – How many new and innovative ideas have you found elsewhere and brought
to your school for the betterment of all?
pitched – Each hour spent preparing to teach, teaching, regrouping after teaching,
and learning how to teach better is an inning.
Unlike the big leagues we don’t have bullpen help available so our
innings pitched are really gonna pile up.
Average – Love them or hate them, test results can tell a story. Your batting average is the percentage of
your students who reach testing targets.
– Gotta take a peek at some negative statistics when measuring the complete
player….er, teacher. How many kids did
you just not reach this year? Each one
is a strikeout. Probably don’t want a
high strikeout rate – kinda makes your other stats irrelevant.
After six years of compiling these stats we waltz into our
district office and announce “I’d like a five year guaranteed contract worth
$8.6 million per year with an optional sixth year at $10 million or I’m taking
my talents to South Beach!”
**What if throngs of people cheered our every swing, pitch,
or catch (lesson, joke, or pat on the back)? Or if we left the school
building and had to sign autographs for a half-hour before getting to our
car? What if our great math lesson from
1:30 was splashed across the 6:00 news that same night?
**What if we had a 162 day season, just like MLB? Wait, hold on – that’s fewer days than I
teach now. Can’t shorten our season and
expect better results. Playoffs can add
up to 21 extra games to a team’s season, though, so that’s a little better
number. Oooooh, we’ve got to come up
with some sort of playoff system for education, too!
I feel the little bit of sanity I started with on this topic
draining away. It’s fun to dream, it’s
fun to innovate, it’s fun to teach…and it’s fun to play baseball. What if we could combine the four?
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