Well it finally happened. I opened to the 'S' section of my dictionary, and the very first word I looked at was instantly the word I wanted to use in today's writing. I've lost track of what numbered day this is of #The100DayProject, but out of however many days there have been I'm pretty darn sure this is the first time finding my word of the day has been so efficiently perfect at being perfectly efficient. Aaannnnddd I've just forgotten it. Hang on.........
In a few short hours my daughters and I will be on the road, heading to our second and final tournament of the spring volleyball season. Well, the final tourney for my oldest daughters' team; Child 3 has one more Saturday playdate before her season comes to an end. What a spring this has been - for the first time in the history of my parenting I've had the pleasure of coaching all three of my daughters, and at the same time no less! I am the lead coach for my youngest daughter's 4th grade volleyball team, a group that consists of 44 players and four other coaches. My two oldest daughters, a junior and an 8th grader, both play on our varsity level team along with nine other upperclass-women. Two to three practices a week, playdates on Saturdays, tournaments on Sundays....a volleyball-free day has been rare since February. But this weekend is the first time they all play, and our schedule goes a little something like this: varsity practice Friday night, elementary playdate Saturday, varsity tourney Sunday, elementary practice Monday night.
People ask about my weekend plans. I share that schedule. People look at me with sympathy. I don't need it. I have embraced the opportunity I've been given to work so closely with my daughters and their teammates at an activity they love. And while I gladly accepted the coaching roles with the intention of helping the kids, in helping the kids I've found myself reaping rewards I didn't expect. Coaching can be stressful and exhausting, but coaching my kids has been nothing but a salubrious* activity for me. We've spent more time together. We always have a shared topic to visit about. We can learn from each other. We have experienced each other in a whole new way; coach and players, a few times a week, takes the place of dad and daughters. And, most importantly, we've had a lot of fun together.
And tomorrow it ends. As does this entry for tonight since tomorrow begins at about 4:30 a.m. Consider tonight part one......tomorrow will conclude this entry with a report on how the tournament goes.
*salubrious - health-giving; healthy
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