The little I know of this #Project leads to the assumption that most participants will be creating visually or musically. Bully for them! Naturally I will be creating a bit differently using the only artistic talent I possess - writing - and the only medium I am fluent with - words. As mentioned, my plan for this has been hurried but I've come up with an idea that will provide daily inspiration for me and a daily written product for you.
For the next 100 days I will use a semi-random word to guide my writing. Minutes ago I pulled my dictionary (side note for the younglings: a "dictionary" is a really large book used to find spellings and meanings for the words of our language) off of the shelf (again, a "dictionary" is an actual object that exists outside of your computer device thingy), blindly found a page in the 'A' section, pointed to a word, and ta-dah! - found a really lame word. So I tweaked my methodology a bit and searched the column of words I had pointed to until I found the coolest sounding unfamiliar word in the bunch. So I give you now, today's word:
alluvium: noun. A deposit of earth, sand, etc. laid down by rivers chiefly in the lower parts of their courses.
So there you have it. Over the course of 99 more days I will blog a bit each day, each blog containing a word which, previous to that day, was not a staple of my vocabulary. I'm guessing there will be some days of long writings and many days of short entries. Some words will be the topic of the daily post, some may only get a single mention. I hope to find words that will spark creativity of a fictional variety. I hope to find words that stretch my thinking because of their obscurity. I have carried a list of potential blog topics for too long - could fate lead me to the words that will carry said topics to these pages? Perhaps a word and a lightly scheduled day will align and allow me to explore topics as yet unthought.
If I stay the course and finish #The100DayProject I will do so in mid-July. April appears to be littered with rapids which will be an early test of how well I can keep this project afloat. May, too, may prove challenging with the waterfalls of warmer weather and outdoor activities. June is when the waters will calm and the current of life will flow at a steady pace, with no school or sports schedules lurking beneath the surface. When I finally approach the lower part of this months-long meander I will do so with a stronger habit of writing, a happier cadre of readers, and an alluvium of new words.
See what I did there?
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