Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Strange Times

There are American kids all across our country living in abusive environments, who should be separated from their family but never are.  I wonder when they will become headline news?

"Leaders" from each political party openly disrespect each other on live television, yet athletes take criticism for silently, peacefully attempting to promote respect.  I wonder if we could make a third political party composed entirely of coaches and athletes, humans who understand what teamwork means and how to solve problems?

I see a news anchor cry while delivering "news" that may not be entirely true.  I wonder if her crying is entirely true?

There's enough money to invest in a new branch of military, but not enough to invest in education.  I wonder who will be intelligent enough to serve in the space force?

I wonder if my daughters will ever be debt free once they leave college?

The biggest threat to our country doesn't recognize borders or religions or political bias.  I wonder if the right people will ever attempt to save the planet?

The Supreme Leader says the news is fake.  The news says the Leader is fake.  I wonder if anyone can be believed anymore?

I wonder how long it takes for immigrants to wonder why they bothered?

I wonder if Finland has room for four?

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