With three
small shopping bags under my right arm and one large under my left I crossed
the mall’s center plaza, eyes locked on my feet’s destination; an empty
bench. After unknown hours of weaving
through, waiting for, and listening to humans, sitting beside one was out of
the question. The bench remained empty
until my large bag landed on it (“It’s a Christmas miracle,” I muttered without
any joy) followed by the other bags and my spent body. Breathing a sigh of relief mixed with
frustration and chased out by exasperation, I grimaced at my surroundings. Shoppers, most wearing expressions of
anguish, rushed by with their treasures as an irritatingly slow version of
“Silver Bells” dripped from hidden speakers.
Empty presents on Styrofoam snow under a recycled plastic tree looked
almost as genuine as the smiles on Santa’s helpers. Amongst all this bustle, I saw…a pair of eyes
looking straight into mine, getting closer with each passing moment.
He wasn’t
hard to notice. He carried no bags,
pushed no cart. Not very clean, but not
exactly dirty. Clothing that fit him but
was dark and drab and worn, a sharp contrast to the seasonal colors all around
him. His bent posture spoke of a man who
had spent many years enduring life. My
first inclination was to pity him, but those eyes that kept looking back at me
contained so much energy that all pity was driven down and replaced
by…….fear! He was coming towards my
bench! And although I had strategically
situated myself in the center with bags on either side he somehow was sitting
beside me and chatting without so much as a “May I?” or “Mind if I sit?”
With more
than a little guilt I brushed aside his attempts at small talk with grunts,
nods, and monosyllabic responses. I
already knew it was a busy in here, of course I’m Christmas shopping, no I’m
not done yet, yes I’m shopping for my family, I DON”T HAVE THE STRENGTH FOR
THIS!! He finally stopped asking
questions and just studied my face.
Without another word he reached inside his coat and pulled out a small,
thin flask that had seen more days than its owner.
“You could
use a little Christmas cheer,” he said as he handed me the flask, which had no
“No thanks,
I don’t –“ I started, but was stopped as he suddenly turned the flask upside
down. It was empty.
“I don’t
either,” he replied, pulling the flask back and staring at it as he
talked. “You hoped I wouldn’t sit beside
you, yet here I am and there you still sit.
You didn’t want to talk to me but you didn’t completely ignore my
questions. And while you pretend you
don’t like Christmas your foot keeps the beat to every song that plays. It was this conflict between what you do and
what you feel that led me to you…I chose you because you can still be saved.”
me? Save me? What was going on here? Before I could ask, he continued.
old while doing without has been tough, but growing up the same way was
tougher. Christmastime, though, has
rarely failed to delight me. Early in
life my Father helped me find joy during this season by pointing out the most
simple and peaceful details of Christmas that could be easily found by all; the
music, the colors, the unending goodwill, and the hope – the wonderful feeling
of hope – that great days are ahead.” He
paused, let out a slow sigh, and spoke once more. “Great days never arrived for me, and finding
joy at Christmas became harder with each passing year. The gift from my Father on my twentieth
Christmas was this flask. He saw
Christmas dying inside of me so he encouraged me to use it as a symbol to
remind myself, and others, of where the true beauty of Christmas lies. The flask is easy to keep with me; so, too,
the spirit of Christmas. It is simple
and quite plain, like the very first Christmas.
The open top is a reminder to let peace and goodwill flow freely, and
the emptiness a reminder of the many souls in need of both.”
He shifted his gaze upon me. “For countless years I’ve watched people lose
sight of the simplicity of Christmas.
Are you seeing any peace around you?
The only hope I see is the hope to be done shopping. And goodwill?
You know how hard it was to find someone who actually talked to me? I’ve spent the last two days walking this
mall, and you are the first person who took the time to only kind of ignore me. That’s why I can save you, just like my
Father saved me. I was losing my faith
in the beauty of Christmas and life when my Father’s simple gift reminded me to
find joy and spread it to others. So now
I ask you: Where do you find your joy?”
I sat
motionless for a few seconds or an eternity, I’m not sure which. Then, with numb fingers, I pulled my wallet
from my pocket and found the three pictures I was hoping were still there.
“This is my
oldest daughter, Molly,” I croaked, as I handed him the first picture. “She just turned fifteen years old…fifteen
years that disappeared far too fast.
This is her volleyball picture.
It’s her favorite activity; she was a middle hitter on the C team this
season. She is a freshman in high school
where she works really hard in all of her classes. She is studying Spanish, which has resulted
in a lot of strange words coming from her mouth. She looks forward to next semester when she
can begin driver’s training class and after that the spring softball
season. She has a really big heart and
is proving it with a quilt-making project for her World Studies class; she
recently secured her first grant and will begin production on fleece quilts for
Children’s Hospital patients. In her
spare time she loves reading and playing piano and being with her friends.”
“Who’s this
long-legged lady?” he asked when I handed him the next picture.
Sage, my twelve year old. She is a sixth
grader this year and is enjoying being one of the big kids at school. She, too, works very hard in her classes and
is learning some really advanced topics as a result. She joined me in deer stands this fall as a
licensed hunter for the first time and had some exciting adventures. She was a dedicated hunter and made some very
mature decisions about shooting deer. I
was proud to have her as a hunting partner.
She also was a member of the volleyball program this fall, filling the
role of varsity manager and part-time practice player. She is currently enjoying her favorite
activity – figure skating. While I wait
eagerly for fishable ice on lakes, she’s just as eager for skate-able ice. She loves to spend time reading and helping
out around the house…as long as the helping out is on her terms!“
“And this
smiley little blonde bugger must be the youngest,” he ventured with a slight
that’s my Jenna. She is an
eight-year-old second grader and is the straw that stirs all our drinks. She is full of smiles and mischief and is as
unpredictable as the weather. She figure
skates in the winter and plays softball in the summer. Her favorite pastime, though, is playing with
her Barbies and baby dolls; she is terrific at finding ways to keep herself
busy with independent play. She also has
begun to spend more time with books; she’s always been a strong reader but
rarely chose to read in her spare time.
Now she, like her big sisters, can often be found with her nose in a
book. All three girls have grown up way
too fast, but Jenna has probably matured the fastest – her vocabulary,
mannerisms, and real-world knowledge rivals that of her older sisters…and some
As I tucked
my pictures away a crash at my feet pulled my attention from my companion. An armful of packages had been dropped, their
carrier nearly in tears as she tried to pick them up and balance them
again. As I helped her with the last of
her bags I asked if she wanted to sit with us and rest or if we could help her
carry something. She looked puzzled, and
when I gestured for her to sit I discovered why; he was gone. I quickly scanned the plaza looking for some
sign of those worn down dark clothes.
“Is that
yours?” she asked, nodding to an object on the bench.
I grabbed
the flask and frantically looked for some sign of him, knowing the importance
of this small object I held in my hand.
This token was his life, and without it…
Once again he was already looking at
me when I finally saw him. He was by the
ascending stairs, as if waiting for me to find him before he stepped on. Our eyes locked for nearly a second before,
with a quick wink and a smile, he began his journey up. It struck me then that no one was looking at
him; he didn’t seem to be noticed as he walked towards me or sat with me either. When his climb took him from my sight I
looked again at the flask and noticed an inscription on one side. These words brought clarity to all that had
transpired; a Christmas angel had delivered a message, and to those who would
receive it a mission was now at hand:
Find peace. Find hope.
Find joy.
Share them.
Merry Christmas.
This was awesome!! You are a gifted writer. :-)Angela
ReplyDeleteGreat story Darren. Very good.
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh! You made me cry! I wish I had read that one days ago... Lovely!