Sunday, October 25, 2015

What Have I Done?!?

Within this past week I have Tweeted and blogged.  For the first time.  For each of those things.  My entire circle of friends was speechless at the news - neither one of them could stop laughing long enough to comment.  To properly understand the magnitude of these socially technological developments you must understand:

**I own zero devices.  No phone that fits in a pocket, no tablet pad thingy, no computer.

**I live in a wireless-less home, which should be obvious if you refer to above.

**My home phone has a cord.  Two, actually - one from the phone to the jack and another from the phone to the talk 'n listen piece.  It rarely rings.....because I won't share my number with people who might call me.

**I much prefer solitude to society.

What happened?  Why is an introverted hermit suddenly Twittering and blogging all over the Interweb?  The short answer:  I was impaled and weakened by a blistering jolt of that dreaded toxin "inspiration".  The long answer:  While recently attending an educator's conference I considered a statement made about today's technology being the worst it would ever be from this point on.  I twisted that thought and made it relevant to myself - what would have to happen to make right now the worst I would be for the rest of my life?  The immediate solution - barely survive a massive car wreck on the way home, teeter on the brink of death for a day or so, and improve from there - seemed too messy.  The more challenging solution was comparing where I am to where I want to be and what it will take to get from here to there.  The same conference also provided a glimpse into the hiring practices in today's job market - employers don't look at resumes anymore, they look online.  If a potential employee doesn't have an online presence that person is no longer a potential employee.  Or more succinctly:  If you don't exist online, you don't exist.

So here I am, potential employers!  Hello, online crowd!  I won't claim to be thrilled at being here, let alone comfortable, but I'm here.  I'm not hunting for a job (yet) but I am testing the waters of this universe that will, supposedly, confirm my existence. site? predicament? a work-in-progress, so the look of it might change a bit more often than is recommended (I've read up on these things).  The content will vary according to the time of year, my mood swings, the lunar cycle, and the strength of the Canadian dollar.  The title is lame (my top six choices were unavailable) but much of my writing will involve nature or education so I guess it works.

And with that, I end my initial blog.  I think I've made comments available to all so if you've been moved to laughter or boredom or somewhere in between I'd appreciate knowing your feedback.  Thanks for helping me exist.


  1. And why are you up at 1am and then back at school at 5-butt-crack-of-dawn-am??? Let alone the fact that you're blogging????? I'm not sure how well I know you (does anyone REALLY know you?), but this is something else! I look forward to your witty sarcasm!

  2. And why are you up at 1am and then back at school at 5-butt-crack-of-dawn-am??? Let alone the fact that you're blogging????? I'm not sure how well I know you (does anyone REALLY know you?), but this is something else! I look forward to your witty sarcasm!

  3. And why are you up at 1am and then back at school at 5-butt-crack-of-dawn-am??? Let alone the fact that you're blogging????? I'm not sure how well I know you (does anyone REALLY know you?), but this is something else! I look forward to your witty sarcasm!
